L: Mild Language, and a Language Reference
S: A Possible Unseen Sex Reference, a Sensual Dialogue Reference, a Mild Sensual Humor Reference, a Nudical Humor Reference, a Couple Sensual Images, a Couple Mild Sensual Images, a Brief Mild Sensual Image, a Nudical Dialogue Humor Reference, a Possible Unseen Nudical Reference, a Partially Covered Nudity Image, Some Partial Nudity, and Some Lined Nudity
D: An Inappropriate Image, an Inappropriate Humor Reference, an Inappropriate Dialogue Reference, Some Gross Humor, a Possible Drinking Humor Reference, and a Gross Dialogue Reference
MPAA: PG for some thematic elements, mild peril and language
Common Sense Media - Ages 8 and Up
* These are listed not because of my own personal feelings or beliefs, but because there are some groups who have low tolerance for or are wary of the practice of other religions than the ones they were raised in.