Common Sense Media - Ages 7 and Up
V: A Brief Image of Scary Behavior, Some Mild Action, Some Mild Violence, Strange Behavior and Content/Images, a Few Instances of Violence Humor, Action Humor, a Few Instances of Peril, Some Peril Humor, Some Comic Peril Humor, Disaster Content, a Few Brief Abuse/Mistreatings, Some Abuse/Mistreatings Humor, Crime Dialogue, a Suicide Humor Dialogue Reference, a Bruise, a Magic Dialogue Reference, a Few Mild Scary Humor References, a Few Accidents, Some Crimes, a "Crime" Writing Reference, a Crime/Mistreating Writing Reference, Some Violence Dialogue, Some Violence Dialogue Humor, Some Mistreatings Dialogue, Some Mistreatings Dialogue Humor, a Few Mistreating Humor References, a Mistreating Humor Writing Reference, Some Mild Comic Mistreatings Humor, a Few Sudden Images, Some Mild Sudden Images, a Few Accident Dialogue References, Accident Dialogue Humor, Some Abuse/Mistreatings Dialogue, Some Abuse/Mistreatings Dialogue Humor, Some Crime Humor, a Mild Devil Dialogue Reference, a Few Instances of Sports Action, Some Menace Humor, a Mild Instance of Comic Menace Humor, a Sickness Dialogue Reference, Some Accident Humor, an Accident Humor Writing Reference, a Witch Dialogue Reference, Some Comic Accidents, Comic Accidents Humor, Some Comic Abuse/Mistreatings, Some Brief Comic Abuse/Mistreatings Humor, and a Mild Emotional Situation S: A Few Lined Nudity References, a Mild Nudical Dialogue Reference, a Continuous Graphic Lined Nudity Image, a Couple Brief Mild Comic Nudical Humor References, and a Brief Mild Nudical Humor Dialogue Reference D: A Gross Humor Reference, a Gross Dialogue Reference, a Couple Gross Dialogue Humor References, a Tattoo Dialogue Reference, and a Set of Tattoos MPAA: PG for some mild action and thematic elements
Common Sense Media - Ages 7 and Up
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