L: Some Mild Language, Some Brief Language (a Couple Strong), a Partial Language Reference, and a Language Dialogue Reference
S: Some Mild Sex Dialogue Humor, Some Mild Partial and Lined Nudity, a Mild Nudical Humor Reference, a Couple Strong Sensual Images, a Sensual Dialogue Reference, a Mild Sensual Humor Reference, an Unseen Sex Reference, a Sensual Dialogue Humor Reference, a Couple Mild Graphic Nudical Artwork References, and a Partially Covered Nudity Artwork Reference
D: Some Mild Inappropriate Dialogue Humor, a Few Drinking References, a Smoking Reference, a Couple Gross Images, a Couple Drinking Dialogue References, a Gross Dialogue Reference, a Mild Gross Dialogue Reference, a Couple Gross Humor References, a Smoking Dialogue Reference, and a Mild Tattoo Humor Reference
Common Sense Media - Ages 11 and Up
MPAA: Rated PG-13
* This item is included because some people have low tolerance for other religions (and their beliefs) that aren't Christianity. My inclusion of this item is not a reflection of my own personal feelings or thoughts.